Thursday, November 22, 2007


I wanted to let you all know about a cool non-profit that is doing great things: is a non-profit that allows you to make a small 0% loan to low income entrepreneurs in the developing world (microfinance). Individuals like you can help provide affordable working capital for the poor -- money to buy a sewing machine, livestock, etc. -- and empower them to earn their way out of poverty.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What's Is gonna take????

I sit here writing this in complete and utter financial ruin. I have a job that no longer pays the bills. So i sit here and complain. I may have to get a second job....just to pay bills. First time in my life i'm facing with this crap to this degree. I've been strapped before, but never like this. Everything is so expensive. I see a pay check tomorrow that will be deposited into a back account that is alreay several hundreds of dollars over-drafted. Isn't that great? These extreme high and lows just keep hitting me. OVER AND OVER. My mistake was in upgrading everything. I should have stayed in the show box apartment and kept driving the clunker. I should have kept living below my means instead of wanting the same creature comforts that everyone else around me seems to have. The difference thought with everyone else....they have help maintaining their lifestyles. They live with family, roommates, spouses, wanna-be spouses. Doing it on one's own doesn't seem to cut it anymore unless you are VERY well off financially. So for a while Raul was restored and now demolished once again. Starting at less than zero......AGAIN.



Sunday, November 18, 2007


So the plan goes like this......

I'm off from work starting the Wednesday and don't have to return to work until the following Tuesday.....that's almost a full week off work. The only commitments i have over this time period....lunch with my aunt of Wednesday, apply for my passport and Thanksgiving Dinner with Lisette. The rest of my time will be devoted to FINISHING MY SCREENPLAY....ya know, the one i'm selling for a million snicker at me???? just watch bitch.

hopelessly devoted to you


Monday, November 5, 2007


SO after near two years of blogging on myspace on three separate accounts, I've decided to take the plunge into real blogging on a real blogging website....don't you love it.

wanna know me???

do you care???

Don't say i didn't warn you.

It starts now......